By Jake Stavrakas | Blog A Few Tips to Stand Out in the Job Market
The job market is difficult to navigate at any time, but here are a few steps to help you on your way. If you are first entering the job market, switching industries, or trying to get ahead in your current industry these tips could help you stand out.
Get A Mentor!
First, find an experienced professional in your field and reach out to them! Find someone whose career trajectory you admire. If you’re not sure who that is, talk to some people in your field or look up experts online or on LinkedIn. Or just think of someone who inspires you in that specific field
Ask them if they’d be willing to meet with you for 30 minutes or so. Ask them for advice, especially if you are a student. People are willing to talk to students and help them better understand the area they are entering.
Odds are they will remember your initiative later on. It’s a great way to network with some knowledgeable people. Take their advice seriously—they have been in your shoes and can empathize with where you are! You will have the opportunity to learn from their expertise and they’ll see that you are committed to learning and growing professionally. Follow their example and ask essential questions about how they got to where they are now
Be Willing to Stand Out!
Following through on our commitments and taking action when it counts most (and even if we’re scared). I have dealt with being afraid or hesitant about doing something based on my nerves or anxiety. Whenever I push past that initial fear I find that I never regret stepping out of my comfort zone.
Another way to stand out is to take on leadership roles within organizations related to your interests, such as volunteering. This will show employers how well you work with others and how valuable you could be on their team!
Play to your strengths and hone new skills which might include working in teams, communication skills, getting organized, and leading a team. Everyone starts somewhere and being bad at something is the first step toward being great at it. Being willing to fail and learn from your failures shows serious dedication and perseverance. If it is something you are passionate about go ahead and do it! Be an advocate for yourself! The person who knows you best is you and you have to own it. It may sound simple but more often than not people don’t advocate for themselves and no one else knows you better than you. Play to your strengths and be realistic about your weaknesses while trying to improve upon them. Find a way to market those strengths and demonstrate how they can add value to a potential employer.
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